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SimpleHTML widgets allow display of simple HTML markup as well as standard escape sequences. The two may be combined; if HTML is not valid (not well-formed XHTML), it will be displayed literaly.

Supported HTML

The following HTML tags are supported:

h1, h2, h3, p
<(h1|h2|h3|p) [align="(left|center|right)"]>...</(h1|h2|h3|p)>
Text containers; following optional attributes
  • align - (left, center, right) controls positioning of the text element,
<img src="IMAGE_SOURCE" [align="(left|center|right)"] [width="NUM"] [height="NUM"] />
Image, only outside of text containers; following attributes are supported:
  • align - (left, center, right) controls positioning of the image.
  • width - (number) width of image in pixels.
  • height - (number) height of image in pixels.
  • src - (string) image source, for example Interface\Icons\Ability_Ambush
<a href="LINK">TEXT</a>
anchor (link only), only displayed inside text containers; following attributes
  • href - (string) link to pass OnHyperLink* widget handlers
<br />
line break, no attributes.

Well-formed HTML

SimpleHTML will only display text as HTML if it is well-formed; the following conditions and quirks apply:

  • Tag names are case insensitive, img and iMg achieve the same result.
  • All tags must be closed; closing tags must match the case of the opening tag; some tags are self-closing (br, img).
  • Attribute values must be quoted; both double and single quotes are supported.
  • Some characters must be entity-escaped.
  • Unrecognized tags are ignored entirely, even if they contain known tags inside; unrecognized attributes are ignored.
  • Document content must be enclosed in <html><body> </body></html> tags.

Standard escape sequences

SimpleHTML also supports the usual UI Escape Sequences, which can be used to change font color, or as an alternative syntax to specify hyperlinks.

Setting element styles

It is possible to set different fonts for the text-container elements (h1, h2, h3, and p), using SetFont:

SimpleHTML:SetFont('h1', GameFontHighlightLarge);

You can also define font properties for these elements in your XML files, eg:

<SimpleHTML ...>
 <FontStringHeader1 inherits="GameFontHighlightLarge"/>


The following is an example of a combination of HTML markup and UI Escape Sequences, as well as custom element styles; the code below was passed to SimpleHTML:SetText() to generate the image on the right.


The finished product

<h1>SimpleHTML Demo: Ambush</h1>
<img src="Interface\Icons\Ability_Ambush" width="32" height="32" align="right"/>
<p align="center">|cffee4400'You think this hurts? Just wait.'|r</p>
<p>Among every ability a rogue has at his disposal,<br/>
Ambush is without a doubt the hardest hitting Rogue ability.</p>